Eljay Lekay Lizahn Maart Gaewinne Niemand

Our grade 3 teacher is Eljay Lekay who studied at the university of the Western Cape where she did her BA –degree and majored in Afrikaans, Netherlands and Psychology.

She has been teaching for two years now and says teaching is quite challenging, but loves working with kids, and knowing that she’s helping them reaching their goals.

Lizahn Maart is 26 years old and the grade 4 teacher. She graduated in 2013, studied at CPUT and started working at Stockwell in 2014.

She has a passion for teaching and besides teaching she also loves travelling.She says she loves to teach not only to educate learners, but to inspire them to do better, be better  and to follow their dreams and for them to believe in themselves.

Mr Gaewinne Niemand is our grade 5 and 6 teacher with 24 kids in his class.

He is married with two beautiful little girls. He received his degree in teaching at Wellington CPUT in 2007 and has been teaching ever since.

He says he became a teacher to make a difference in children’s life, to educate them so that they can also make a success of their lives and to believe in themselves.

 Melanie Marais  Priscilla Smit  Beverley Jonas

Melanie Marais is the grade 2 teacher and has 37 children in her class. She also received her degree in 2007 at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.

Before she starting in 2010 at Stockwell Primary she worked ata special needs school where she worked with blind kids and kids with learning disabilities for two years.

She says she loves working at Stockwell where and there is no better reward than seeing that youcan make a difference in each child’s life!

 Priscilla Smit is our grade R teacher and enjoys working with the little ones.

She has a passion for teaching and is very hard working and sees to all the admin at the school.

Our principal is Beverley Jonas who started teaching in 1991, taught at more than 13 schools in her career before being appointed permanently in 2008 at Stockwell.

She is also our grade 1 teacher. She has a passion for life and is a role model for our kids who adore and love her. She knows every child by name and always helps the kids to the best of her abilities. To the world she may just be a teacher but to her students she is a hero!